Discipline: Literature

Achim Nowak

Discipline: Literature
Region: New York, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 1995

Achim Nowak is a performance coach and author who has inspired Fortune 500 executives around the globe. Influens, the international training and coaching firm he founded in Miami, has guided thousands of leaders from organizations such as Dover Corporation, Genzyme, and HSBC Bank to better connect and be more influential. His first book, Power Speaking (Allworth Press), remains an indispensable reference tool for professionals at every organizational level. Nowak’s work has been featured on 60 Minutes, CNN, NPR, and in the Miami Herald.

Portrait by Mark Thompson



Achim Nowak worked in the Banks studio.

Banks, an ell on the north end of the Lodge dormitory, was first used as an artist’s studio in 1970. Since then, it has played host to an extraordinary list of writers working in several disciplines. In all seasons, Fellows have enjoyed the pastoral view through the French doors facing a field…

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