Discipline: Visual Art – painting

Kellyann Burns

Discipline: Visual Art – painting
Region: Los Angeles, CA
MacDowell Fellowships: 1999

Kellyann Burns is an American abstract artist who focuses on process and color. Her work encourages an intimate perceptual experience with the viewer, evoking a personal recollection of once inhabited structures, suggesting elements of architecture and forms that expose the beauty of erosion -- how attrition and regeneration in the natural and man-made world evokes both the reductive and the expressive.

Her work is held in many public and private collections. She has exhibited throughout the United States and abroad, and divides her time between Brooklyn and Los Angeles.



Kellyann Burns worked in the Eastman studio.

Thanks to the generous support of MacDowell Fellow and board member Louise Eastman, this century-old farm building was reinvented as a modern, energy efficient live and workspace for visual artists. Originally built in 1915 to house a forge and provide storage when the residency program was expanding, this small barn was simply converted for…

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