Discipline: Interdisciplinary Art – performance

Naomi Miller

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Art – performance
Region: Chicago, IL
MacDowell Fellowships: 2012

Preoccupied with the social realm, Naomi Miller makes platforms, personas, and performances, and uses documentation media to look at why we need each other and meaning. She deeply enjoys working with other artists and is often mistaken for a curator or administrative staff. She thinks of her artistic practice as a way to increase novel interactions between people, experiences that intrigue her more than any objects made. The objects become souvenirs, tangible reminders. Notable projects include The Work Office, the Iron Maiden series (on which Naomi worked at MacDowell), and "Naomi Miller, Public intellectual." Most recently, she’s contributed to Quarantine Zines, exhibited at 601Artspace in New York, and organized and curated Terrain Biennial Newburgh, a participant in Terrain Biennial 2019.



Naomi Miller worked in the Putnam studio.

The Graphics Studio (as it was originally named) was converted to its present use in 1972–1974 through a grant from the Putnam Foundation, and originally served the property as both a power house and pump house. Well water was pumped from a large cistern to Hillcrest, the Foreman’s Cottage, and the lower buildings closer to…

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