Apply for a Fellowship

A person wearing a sweater and knit hat stands at a table covered with painting supplies, smiling at the camera. Behind them is a wall of circular paintings that resemble ladybugs.

Polly Apfelbaum (3x 92-24) in MacDowell's Eastman Studio in March 2024 with a series of more than 150 works she created with 37 colors of gouache on six-inch circular paper. (Joanna Eldredge Morrissey photo)

When should I apply for a MacDowell Fellowship?

Thank you for your interest in applying to MacDowell, a home for art and artists. Those who arrive for a residency with intentionality, frequently enter a period of intense productivity and in many cases have a transformative experience. That said, in our most recent application cycles, we’ve seen a very large number of talented and worthy artists, making for a very competitive field. While my wish is that we could offer many more Fellowships, we are limited by the number of studios we have available on campus. I encourage you to prepare your application carefully and reach out to any member of the admissions team if you have questions.

Allow me to also highlight the main components of what the selection panels consider during the review process. These criteria are: consideration of your prior body of work (in an artistic field), a current work sample (demonstration of your practice), and your project proposal (what you hope to accomplish with your residency).

If you’re prepared to make the most of a MacDowell Fellowship, click the button at the bottom of this page to begin the application process.

Chiwoniso Kaitano
executive director

About 300 artists in seven disciplines are awarded Fellowships each year and the sole criterion for acceptance is artistic excellence. There are no residency fees, and need-based stipends and travel reimbursement grants are available to open the residency to the broadest possible community of artists.

MacDowell encourages applications from artists of all backgrounds and all countries in the following disciplines: architecture, film/video arts, interdisciplinary arts, literature, music composition, theatre, and visual arts. Any applicant whose proposed project does not fall clearly within one of these artistic disciplines should contact the admissions department for guidance. We aim to be inclusive, not exclusive in our admissions process.

For questions, please contact

Application Deadlines

Fall Winter 2025-2026 - Deadline: February 10, 2025
For residencies September 1, 2025 – February 28, 2026
Accepting applications: January 15 – February 10, 2025

Spring Summer 2026 - Deadline: September 10, 2025
For residencies March 1 – August 31, 2026
Accepting applications: August 15 – September 10, 2025

Additional Resources

Someter Solicitud para la Beca Artística

A person wearing a sweater and knit hat stands at a table covered with painting supplies, smiling at the camera. Behind them is a wall of circular paintings that resemble ladybugs.

(Joanna Eldredge Morrissey photo)

Se otorgan aproximadamente 300 becas artísticas (residencias) por año a varios artistas de diferentes disciplinas que cumplan solo con el criterio de la excelencia artística. La residencia es gratuita. Se otorgan becas para cubrir gastos de viaje al igual que ayuda financiera con fin de ampliar nuestro alcance de solicitudes. Artistas establecidos al igual que artistitas en desarrollo son elegibles para completar la solicitud.

MacDowell invita las solicitudes de artistas de todo tipo de experiencias y de otros países en las siguientes disciplinas: arquitectura, artes visuales en cine/video, artes interdisciplinarias, literatura, composición musical, teatro, y las artes plásticas. Se recomienda tener un nivel conversacional del ingles, ya que no contamos con servicios de interpretes.

Para consultas, por favor contacte

Plazos de solicitud

Otoño/Invierno 2025-2026 - Fecha límite: 10 de febrero de 2025
Para residencias 1 de septiembre de 2025 - 28 de febrero de 2026
Aceptando aplicaciones: 15 de enero de 2025 - 10 de febrero de 2025

Primavera/Verano 2026 - Fecha límite: 10 de septiembre de 2025
Para residencias 1 de marzo de 2026 - 31 de agosto de 2026
Aceptando aplicaciones: 15 de agosto de 2025 - 10 de septiembre de 2025

Recursos Adicionales