Discipline: Literature – poetry

Adam Giannelli

Discipline: Literature – poetry
Region: Salt Lake City, UT
MacDowell Fellowships: 2017

Adam Giannelli is the author of Tremulous Hinge (University of Iowa Press, 2017), winner of the Iowa Poetry Prize, and the translator of a selection of prose poems by Marosa di Giorgio, Diadem (BOA Editions, 2012), which was shortlisted for the 2013 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation. His prose poem “Alliterative Autobiography,” drawing upon his childhood, recasts stuttering in a positive light through its numerous repetitions. His poems have appeared in the Kenyon Review, New England Review, Ploughshares, Yale Review, FIELD, and elsewhere.

In residence, he worked on poems about stuttering and speech disfluency.



Adam Giannelli worked in the Banks studio.

Banks, an ell on the north end of the Lodge dormitory, was first used as an artist’s studio in 1970. Since then, it has played host to an extraordinary list of writers working in several disciplines. In all seasons, Fellows have enjoyed the pastoral view through the French doors facing a field…

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