Discipline: Literature – poetry

Bridget Lowe

Discipline: Literature – poetry
Region: Kansas City, MO
MacDowell Fellowships: 2011

Bridget Lowe is the author of the poetry collections My Second Work, which was worked on at MacDowell, and At the Autopsy of Vaslav Nijinksy, both from Carnegie Mellon University Press. Her poems have appeared widely in publications including The New Yorker, Poetry, Best American Poetry, The New Republic, American Poetry Review, and elsewhere. Her honors include the Emily Dickinson Award from the Poetry Society of America, a “Discovery”/Boston Review Prize, a scholarship and fellowship to the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and the Rona Jaffe Foundation fellowship to MacDowell. She lives in Kansas City, where she was born.



Bridget Lowe worked in the MacDowell studio.

Built in 1912, Pine Studio was renamed MacDowell Studio in 1943 in recognition of support from a group of Edward MacDowell’s music students. It was built as a composers’ studio and the stuccoed walls were intended to be soundproof. Like many of the studios on property, MacDowell was winterized in the 1950s when the program began welcoming…

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