Discipline: Literature – fiction

Cheryl Pappas

Discipline: Literature – fiction
Region: Newton, MA
MacDowell Fellowships: 2023

Cheryl Pappas is the author of The Clarity of Hunger (word west press, 2021), a collection of flash fiction.

Her stories have appeared in Swamp Pink (formerly Crazyhorse), Wigleaf, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Juked, The Chattahoochee Review, SmokeLong Quarterly, and elsewhere. She was awarded a grant in fiction from the Massachusetts Cultural Council in 2022.

While at MacDowell, she worked on a second draft of her first novel, Abandon—a contemporary retelling of Hansel and Gretel, in which the parents are addicted to opioids.



Cheryl Pappas worked in the Barnard studio.

Originally built near MacDowell's Union Street entrance, the Barnard Studio — which was funded by Barnard College music students — was re-located to its current site in 1910. When the small structure was moved, its size was doubled with the addition of a second room. This remodeling, financed by Mrs. Thomas E. Emery of Cincinnati…

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