Discipline: Literature – fiction

Dennis McFadden

Discipline: Literature – fiction
Region: Ballston Spa, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 2018

Dennis McFadden, a project manager for the State of New York, lives and writes in an old farmhouse called Mountjoy on Bliss Road, just up Peaceable Street from Harmony Corners. His collection Jimtown Road, winner of the 2016 Press 53 Award for Short Fiction, was published in October, 2017, and his first collection, Hart’s Grove, was published by Colgate University Press in 2010. In addition, his fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in dozens of other publications, including The Best American Mystery Stories (2011, 2013 and 2016), The Missouri Review, New England Review, The Sewanee Review, The Massachusetts Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Fiction, Crazyhorse, PRISM international, Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, and Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine. While at MacDowell, he began and completed extensive revisions to his third short story collection, The Signal Tower; A Mystery in Stories, and submitted them to his agent. He was also able to begin and make significant progress on revisions to his novel, Old Grimes Is Dead.



Dennis McFadden worked in the Chapman studio.

Chapman Studio was funded by Mrs. Alice Woodrough Chapman in memory of her husband, composer George Alexander Chapman. Symmetrically massed, the building is stuccoed on the exterior with a natural, unpainted cement. Its unusual half-timbered ornament consists of slender, knotty spruce poles painted a dark green color. A central, peak-roofed entrance porch appears on the north side…

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