Discipline: Visual Art – painting

Klaus Postler

Discipline: Visual Art – painting
Region: New York, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 2000

Klaus Postler (1951-2013) was a peripatetic artist and independent curator whose work centered around the use of collage. As a seminal figure in the Mail Art movement, he had a long history of exchanging works with other artists around the world, his work has been included in over two hundred exhibitions world-wide.

He completed works for two group shows while in residence. "The Eye," would be shown at Ovidia Petca in Duj, Romania, and "Visual Armageddon: Mirror of Netland IV" at Milan Sokol in Barska Bystrica, Slovakia. He also worked on an installation to be shown with drawings at Hampshire College Gallery, Amherst, MA, in 2001.



Klaus Postler worked in the Heinz studio.

The icehouse, built of fieldstone in 1914–1915, was a practical part of Marian MacDowell’s plan for a self-sufficient farm. Winter ice cut from a nearby pond was stored here for summer use on the property. Idle since 1940, it was a handsome but outdated farm building. In 1995, Mrs. Drue Heinz, a vice chairman…

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