Discipline: Visual Art – installation

Kristen Mills

Discipline: Visual Art – installation
Region: Woodstock, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 2024

Kristen Mills’ work engages a variety of strategies: video, installation, comedic performances, and collaborative engagements in an ongoing investigation of how one navigates the world. She has taken up Muay Thai and is continually working on ways to incorporate kickboxing into her studio practice.

Mills holds an M.F.A. from Tyler School of Art and an M.S.A.E. from Massachusetts College of Art and Design. In 2016, she maintained an artist-in-residence position at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and in 2017, she gained her first museum show with her collaborative project, “Sister Spaceship,” at the Delaware Contemporary. In 2018, Mills took on a year-long residency/staff artist position at Vermont Studio Center; she then stayed on as their visual arts program manager until the fall of 2021. Shortly after, Mills was awarded a CEC ArtsLink residency where she traveled to St. Petersburg, Vyksa, and Moscow, Russia. In the summer of 2023, she attended Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. Her most recent solo exhibition was at Ortega y Gasset Projects, in Brooklyn, NY.

At MacDowell, Mills created videos and sculptural props to be installed and exhibited at Turley Gallery in Hudson, NY. Parts of this series were also created at 321 Residence, Vermont Studio Center, and Skowhegan.



Kristen Mills worked in the Firth studio.

Originally a working barn perched atop the namesake hill of Hillcrest Farm, this building was converted to serve the arts in 1956. A grand set of windows was installed to make the large interior suitable for visual artists, bringing in abundant natural light from the north. The addition of a screened porch and accessible entrance ramp…

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