Discipline: Music Composition

Lazare Saminsky

Discipline: Music Composition
MacDowell Fellowships: 1924
Lazare Saminsky (1882-1959) was a performer, conductor, and composer, especially of Jewish music. While still a student he became a founding member of the Society for Jewish Folk Music with Mikhail Gnesin and others. He wrote music for the Society and helped organize its earliest publication. He continued an active member, even though from 1911 to 1918 he lived in Tiflis, where he also interested himself in Georgian and Armenian music, and from 1917 to 1918 he was head of the Conservatoire. In 1919 Saminsky left the Soviet Union and travelled to France and England, where he gave recitals of Russian and Jewish music, and led a ballet season at the Duke of York's Theatre in London, where he married the English poet Lillian Morgan. In December 1920 he left to settle in the United States, where he was active as a composer, conductor, and organizer of musical events. In 1922 he became a board member of the International Composers Guild. From 1924 he was music director of the Temple Emanu-El Synagogue in New York City.


Monday Music

Lazare Saminsky worked in the Monday Music studio.

Given to the residency by the Monday Music Club of Orange, NJ, Monday Music Studio is sited next to an enormous boulder deposited by glaciers thousands of years ago. A small dormer once pierced the east slope of the roof, but after damage suffered in the 1938 hurricane, the roof was rebuilt without the dormer. The interior…

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