Discipline: Literature – poetry

Lynn Emanuel

Discipline: Literature – poetry
Region: Pittsburgh, PA
MacDowell Fellowships: 1993, 1995

Lynn Emanuel is the author of five books of poetry, Hotel Fiesta, The Dig, Then, Suddenly--, Noose and Hook, and, most recently, The Nerve Of It : Poems New and Selected. Her work has been featured in the Pushcart Prize Anthology and Best American Poetry numerous times and has been included in The Oxford Book of American Poetry, the Norton Anthology of Hybrid American Poetry, and published in The New York Times. She has been a judge for the National Book Awards and has taught at the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, The Warren Wilson Program in Creative Writing, and the Bennington College Low Residency MFA program. Among her awards are two fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, The National Poetry Series Award, the Lenore Marshall and Eric Matthieu King Awards from The Academy of American Poets and, most recently, a fellowship from the Civitella Ranieri Foundation. Her books have been reviewed in Poetry, The New York Times Book Review, The Harvard Review, LA Review of Books, BOMB Magazine, and Publisher’s Weekly. Her poetry most recently has been published in the Boston Review, American Poetry Review, The New York Times, and Poetry Magazine. She is he founder of the Pittsburgh Contemporary Writers Series, which she directed for 20 years.


Phi Beta

Lynn Emanuel worked in the Phi Beta studio.

Funded by the Phi Beta Fraternity, a national professional fraternity of music and speech founded in 1912, Phi Beta Studio was built between 1929–1931 of granite quarried on the MacDowell grounds. The small studio is a simple in design, but displays a pleasing combination of materials with its granite walls and colorful slate roofing. Inside is…

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