Discipline: Literature – poetry

Rick Lyon

Discipline: Literature – poetry
Region: Essex, CT
MacDowell Fellowships: 1996

Richard W. "Rick" Lyon (1953-2017) was a poet whose collection Bell 8 is a remembrance of the people and circumstances surrounding his adopted hometown of Essex, CT where he operated a ferry boat for many years. Lyon, who was in residence in the winter of 1996, earned his B.A. from Boston University and his M.F.A. from Columbia. His work has been published by American Poetry Review, The Nation, Ironwood, The Massachusetts Review, and Colorado Review, among others. In 1989 he received the Discovery/The Nation Award. His last night was spent writing his final poem, “Jesus at the Greyhound Station.”



Rick Lyon worked in the Wood studio.

Wood Studio, given to the residency program by Mrs. Frederick Trevor Hill, was completed in 1913 in memory of Mrs. Hill’s mother, Helen Ogden Wood. Like Schelling Studio, the building is sided with large, overlapping pieces of hemlock bark. When the studio was renovated in 1995, MacDowell staff researched the origins of this unusual building material and…

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