Discipline: Literature – poetry

Ruth Ellen Kocher

Discipline: Literature – poetry
Region: Erie, CO
MacDowell Fellowships: 2017

Ruth Ellen Kocher is the author of seven books of poetry, including Third Voice (Tupleo Press, 2016), Ending in Planes, winner of the Noemi Poetry Prize, Goodbye Lyric: The Gigans and Lovely Gun (The Sheep Meadow Press, 2014) and domina Un/blued (Tupelo Press 2013). Her poems have been translated into Persian in the Iranian literary magazine, She’r, and have appeared in various anthologies including, Angles of Ascent: A Norton Anthology of Contemporary African American Poets, Black Nature, From the Fishouse: An Anthology of Poems that Sing, Rhyme, Resound, Syncopate, Alliterate, and Just Plain Sound Great, An Anthology for Creative Writers: The Garden of ForkingPath. She has received grants and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Yaddo, and Cave Canem. At MacDowell, she worked on her collection of prose poems, Notes on Whiteness. Additionally, she was able to synthesize her previous research and interviews and create new work. Klocher is the current associate dean for arts and humanities at the University of Colorado at Boulder where she teaches poetry, poetics, and literature in the undergraduate and M.F.A. writing programs.



Ruth Ellen Kocher worked in the Banks studio.

Banks, an ell on the north end of the Lodge dormitory, was first used as an artist’s studio in 1970. Since then, it has played host to an extraordinary list of writers working in several disciplines. In all seasons, Fellows have enjoyed the pastoral view through the French doors facing a field…

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