Discipline: Literature – fiction

Samuel Astrachan

Discipline: Literature – fiction
Region: Gordes, FRANCE
MacDowell Fellowships: 1968

Samuel Astrachan (1934 – 2012) was a novelist whose first book, An End to Dying (1956) was mostly written during his junior and senior years at Columbia University. A few years later he met the sculptor Claude Jeanneau and the two began dividing time between the South of France and the U.S. after they married in 1960. He taught creative writing at Wayne State University in Detroit for one semester of every year starting in 1971 until his retirement in the late 1990s. He also taught creative writing at Northern Illinois University in Dekalb. His other books include The Game of Dostoevsky (1965), Rejoice (1970), Katz-Cohen (1978), Malaparte in Jassy (1989,1994), Hotel Sevilla: Rockaway Beach 1947 (1996), Le General, ses Filles (1998), Dans les Jardins de la Marquise (1999), Winston (2002), and Treife: la Fable de l'Architecte (2004).