Discipline: Literature – fiction

Sandra Hunter

Discipline: Literature – fiction
Region: Simi Valley, CA
MacDowell Fellowships: 2017

Sandra Hunter’s fiction has received the 2017 Leapfrog Press Fiction Contest, 2016 Gold Line Press Chapbook Prize, October 2014 Africa Book Club Award, 2014 H.E. Francis Fiction Award, and three Pushcart Prize nominations. She was a finalist for the 2016 Bridport Prize. She is the author of Losing Touch, a novel, and a short fiction chapbook, Small Change. At MacDowell, she completed her second novel, The Geography of Kitchen Tables, set in post-apartheid South Africa. It will be submitted to her publisher, OneWorld Publications. She teaches English and creative writing at Moorpark College and runs writing workshops in Ventura and Los Angeles. Favorite dessert: rose-flavored macarons.



Sandra Hunter worked in the Wood studio.

Wood Studio, given to the residency program by Mrs. Frederick Trevor Hill, was completed in 1913 in memory of Mrs. Hill’s mother, Helen Ogden Wood. Like Schelling Studio, the building is sided with large, overlapping pieces of hemlock bark. When the studio was renovated in 1995, MacDowell staff researched the origins of this unusual building material and…

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