Discipline: Music Composition

Zaid Jabri

Discipline: Music Composition
Region: Kraków, POLAND
MacDowell Fellowships: 2016

Born in Damascus, Syria, Zaid Jabri completed his M.A. degree with honours from the Music Academy of Kraków in Poland where he studied composition with Zbigniew Bujarski. He earned his Ph.D. at the same school under the supervision of Professor Krzysztof Penderecki. He won the first prize at the Adam Didur Composers' Competition in Sanok in 1997 for his piece "Two Songs for Soprano and String Orchestra" and the second prize at 2 Agosto 2012 international composition competition in Bologna for his piece "Les Temps Des Pierres for Baritone and Symphony Orchestra." In 1999 he participated in the International Musikwerkstatt Buckow in Germany. He has received fellowships from VCCA, the Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio, MacDowell, and the Radcliffe institute for Advanced Studies at Harvard.

In 2011 he became a member of ZKP (The Polish Composers Union).

Since 2008 Jabri has been also involved in teaching at The Academy of Music in Kraków. His works have been performed in Poland (Warsaw Autumn, Cracow composer's Days & Festival of Polish Premiers By The Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra and Choir), Germany (Morgenland Festival Osnabrück), Dubai, Egypt (Opera House), Tunisia, France, Italy, the U.S. (Pacific Symphony Orchestra), Armenia (by Armenian National Symphony Orchestra), Syria (by Syrian National Symphony Orchestra), Slovakia, Belgium by (Ensemble Musiques Nouvelles) during the young composers forum Tactus 2011, Ukraine (by Lviv philharmonic during Contrast Festival, Uzhgorod philharmonic & by Kiev Kamerata during The Festival of Modern Music), Holland (by Nieuw Ensemble and Ensemble Zerafin), the United Kingdom (Plaisterers' Hall, Cadogan Hall) during Al Farabi Concerto (by English Chamber Orchestra), Neue Vocalsolsiten Stuttgart during MATA festival, and Eclat festival.


Van Zorn (formerly Kirby)

Zaid Jabri worked in the Van Zorn (formerly Kirby) studio.

Constructed thanks to a bequest from Sarah L. Kirby, Kirby Studio was the last new building to be erected during Mrs. MacDowell’s leadership (1907-1951). The load-bearing masonry walls were laid by local mason Augustus Beaulieu atop a fieldstone foundation. A 1995 renovation preserved the brick fireplace with wooden mantel and…

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