2018 New Hampshire Benefit and James Baldwin Library Dedication

November 3, 2018

In celebration of James Baldwin’s (3x 54-60) contributions to American society and culture as a prolific writer and artist, MacDowell honored him with weekend-long festivities.

Our annual New Hampshire Benefit, this year on November 3, raised more than $41,000 and included a stirring performance by baritone Phil Lima and brief words by poet and Fellow Kevin Young (6x 93-13). Video is available below. The New Hampshire Benefit is held on the grounds each year and brings together artists-in-residence, MacDowell supporters, and business leaders for an intimate community celebration of art and artists.

On Sunday November 4, both Young and author and Fellow Florence Ladd (98) helped us dedicate the James Baldwin Library before a crowd of more than 100 people. Video of the ceremony can be viewed below.

To learn more about the New Hampshire Benefit or to become a sponsor, please contact our events department or call 212.535.9690

Black and white images of James Baldwin. He is wearing a white collared shirt and a tie.

(Allan Warren photo)

Kevin Young Speaks At Dedication of The James Baldwin Library
Kevin Young Speaks At Dedication of The James Baldwin Library
Baritone Phil Lima Performs
Poet Kevin Young Speaks at Benefit
The James Baldwin Library Dedication: Sunday, Nov. 4, 2018
Author and educator Florence Ladd Reflects on Her Friend James Baldwin

Other New Hampshire Benefits