MacDowell Downtown


MacDowell Downtown is a free series of presentations by MacDowell Fellows that are open to the public. It takes place on the first Friday of the month from March to November in downtown Peterborough, NH. Each season of MacDowell Downtown features a wide array of programming, including film screenings, readings, artist talks, interviews, musical performances, and more. MacDowell Downtown begins at 7:30 p.m. typically at the Monadnock Center for History and Culture in Peterborough.

See details about the next presentation below.

A man sits at the front of a room, facing an audience. He is playing a stringed instrument that rests on his lap. The lighting in the room is warm and inviting.

In May 2023, composer Firas Zreik combined his deep understanding of the Arabic Maqam tonal scale tradition with elements of modern global musical styles, to create a fresh, modern, authentic sound on the kanun – the Arabian stringed instrument at the core of the compositions he developed at MacDowell. (Dan Millbauer photo)

Events in season