The Art of Journalism

In this era of fast news and free content, a new model of support is needed for journalists who dedicate their lives to telling complex stories that have the power to change our lives and make our society better. The Art of Journalism initiative will strengthen MacDowell’s ability to support groundbreaking voices in non-fiction; like those of James Baldwin, Shane Bauer, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Frances FitzGerald, Sheri Fink, William Finnegan, Adrian Nicole Leblanc, and others, all MacDowell Fellows who are publishing new work across a diverse range of formats and publications. With The Art of Journalism initiative, MacDowell is investing $2 million in Fellowships for journalists and long-form non-fiction authors, as well as providing journalism project grants, while helping to link a new network of publishers, non-profit newsrooms, and other key players in the journalism community to MacDowell’s artist community. Get the scoop here about how this initiative will support in-depth reporting and groundbreaking writing.

Fellow Alex Mar sitting at her desk in her studio. The image is taken from above, she has a pen in her hand and a notepad on her lap

Writer Alex Mar in Garland Studio in December 2017.

If you believe in the benefits of quality journalism, please help us meet our goal of raising $2 million for Journalism Fellowships. Every gift will be matched dollar for dollar by a generous $1 million grant from The Calderwood Charitable Foundation.