Discipline: Literature – fiction

Courtney Zoffness

Discipline: Literature – fiction
Region: Brooklyn, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 2017, 2018

Courtney Zoffness won the Sunday Times Short Story Award, the Arts & Letters Creative Nonfiction Prize, and an Emerging Writers Fellowship from the Center for Fiction. Her work has appeared in the Paris Review Daily, The Southern Review, Los Angeles Review of Books, The Rumpus, and elsewhere, and she had notable Best American Essays in 2018 and 2019. She directs the creative writing program at Drew University. In residence in 2018, she completed an essay from her collection of memoirs, SPILT MILK, about what we inherit from generations past—biologically, culturally, spiritually—and what we pass on to our children.



Courtney Zoffness worked in the Putnam studio.

The Graphics Studio (as it was originally named) was converted to its present use in 1972–1974 through a grant from the Putnam Foundation, and originally served the property as both a power house and pump house. Well water was pumped from a large cistern to Hillcrest, the Foreman’s Cottage, and the lower buildings closer to…

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