Discipline: Theatre – playwriting

James D'Entremont

Discipline: Theatre – playwriting
Region: Cambridge, MA
MacDowell Fellowships: 1985

James D'Entremont is a journalist, playwright, and civil liberties activist. Through most of the '90s, he headed the Boston Coalition for Freedom of Expression. His plays have been performed at various theaters around the US and abroad; his articles on travel, civil rights, and criminal justice have appeared in various print and online publications. From 1996 to 2008, he was a staff writer for The Guide. In recent years he has been working to clear prison inmates wrongfully convicted of sex crimes.



James D'Entremont worked in the Garland studio.

Marian MacDowell and friends originally named this studio in memory of Anna Baetz, the nurse who helped care for Edward MacDowell in the waning years of his life. With generous support from the Garland family, the studio was renovated in 2013 and renamed the Peter and Mary Garland Studio. The inward opening, diamond-pane windows were replaced…

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