Discipline: Interdisciplinary Art, Music Composition

Joshua Fried

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Art, Music Composition
Region: Brooklyn, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002

Joshua Fried is a composer/performer who has collaborated in dance, film/video and performance, won grants and awards, and performed many concerts.

One of his latest projects is RADIO WONDERLAND which turns live commercial FM radio into recombinant funk. All the sounds originate from an old boombox, playing radio live. Nothing is pre-recorded; so every performance is different. Anything picked up during the performance is fair game until the end. All the transformations are live digital audio processing, programmed in the Max/MSP environment.

His controllers are a vintage Buick steering wheel, old shoes hit with sticks, and some gizmos. The aim is to turn live radio bits into truly danceable grooves, that are yet still recognizable as collage; to be able to un-wind any of the processed bits back to the original source; to take the audience every step of the way; and to expose the commercial stream as something to be fucked with, by everyone, not just gear heads or theorists.



Joshua Fried worked in the Adams studio.

Given to the MacDowell Association by Margaret Adams of Chicago, the half-timbered, stuccoed Adams Studio was designed by MacDowell Fellow and architect F. Tolles Chamberlin ca. 1914. Chamberlin was primarily a painter, but also provided designs for the Lodge and an early renovation of the main hall. The studio’s structural integrity was restored during a thorough renovation in…

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