Discipline: Literature – nonfiction

Lise Funderburg

Discipline: Literature – nonfiction
Region: Philadelphia, PA
MacDowell Fellowships: 2003, 2004

Lise Funderburg's latest book is a curated collection of original essays from 25 writers, Apple, Tree: Writers on Their Parents (Nebraska). While at MacDowell, she worked on her memoir/social history, Pig Candy: Taking My Father South, Taking My Father Home (Free Press). Her first book, Black, White, Other: Biracial Americans Talk about Race and Identity (Morrow), has become a core text in the study of American multiracial identity. Funderburg's essays, reviews, and feature articles have appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, National Geographic, Salon, Chattahoochee Review, Broad Street, and the Nation. She is a lecturer in creative writing at the University of Pennsylvania and the Paris Writers Workshop, and she is the Nonfiction Editor of Cleaver magazine.

Portrait by Giorgia Fenelli



Lise Funderburg worked in the Heyward studio.

The Lodge Annex, a wing on the west side of the men’s dormitory (The Lodge), was completed in 1926. Initially intended as an apartment for a caretaker, the space was soon repurposed as a live-in studio for writers. In recognition of a major endowment gift from the DuBose and Dorothy Heyward Foundation, Lodge Annex was…

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