Discipline: Literature – fiction

Maggie Nye

Discipline: Literature – fiction
Region: Bloomington, IN
MacDowell Fellowships: 2022

Maggie Nye is a writer and editor whose short stories and essays have appeared in publications like Pleiades, Passages North, SmokeLong Quarterly, and Hobart. She is working on her Ph.D. in creative writing at Florida State University, was a Writer-in-Residence at St. Albans School from 2017-18, and was a Tin House Scholar in winter 2022. Her first novel (not yet published) features Leo Frank, a golem, and a girl gang in 1915 Atlanta.

While are MacDowell, Nye worked toward completing a first draft of her second novel, tentatively titled BLINDER. The book will be a strange, modern retelling of the Medusa myth inspired in part by the #MeToo movement.

Portrait by Joel Brouwer



Maggie Nye worked in the Star studio.

Funded by Alpha Chi Omega, a national fraternity founded in 1885, Star Studio — built in 1911–1912 — was the first studio given to the residency by an outside organization. To this day, Alpha Chi sorority pledges learn the story of Star Studio and its role in supporting American arts and letters. Beginning as a nicely proportioned…

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