Discipline: Literature – poetry

Priscilla Sneff

Discipline: Literature – poetry
Region: Exeter, NH
MacDowell Fellowships: 1987, 1989

Priscilla Sneff has published poetry in the Yale Review, Sulfur, Ploughshares, The Partisan Review, Southern Review, and other magazines. She has received grants from the National Endowment of the Arts and the Massachusetts Cultural Council, was a George Bennett Fellow at Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire, and was granted residencies at Yaddo and MacDowell. She teaches writing at Tufts University and lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.



Priscilla Sneff worked in the Heyward studio.

The Lodge Annex, a wing on the west side of the men’s dormitory (The Lodge), was completed in 1926. Initially intended as an apartment for a caretaker, the space was soon repurposed as a live-in studio for writers. In recognition of a major endowment gift from the DuBose and Dorothy Heyward Foundation, Lodge Annex was…

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