Discipline: Literature – nonfiction

Rachel Walker

Discipline: Literature – nonfiction
Region: Boulder, CO
MacDowell Fellowships: 2013

A freelance writer and editor with more than twenty years of experience, Rachel Walker is an avid adventurer and storyteller. Her reported pieces and personal essays have been published in the New York Times, Washington Post, 5280, Backpacker, Skiing, Outside, grist.org, and others. Her work has garnered awards and enthusiastic accolades, and have been featured in the anthology Tales From a Mother Runner.

A former MacDowell Fellow and Ted Scripps Fellow in Environmental Journalism at the University of Colorado, Boulder, she also hold an M.F.A. in fiction from the Bennington Writing Seminars.

At MacDowell, she revised her completed memoir manuscript Flew The Coop: Searching For Home From the Back of a Horse. Her memoir addresses the lessons learned from her failed attempts to train and compete ex-racehorses in three-day event-ing.


New Jersey

Rachel Walker worked in the New Jersey studio.

The yellow clapboard New Jersey Studio, located on a grassy, sloping site, was funded by the New Jersey Federation of Women’s Clubs and built as an exact replica of Monday Music Studio (1913). The studio’s porch rests on fieldstone piers that increase in height as the ground slopes to the west. Like Monday Music Studio, New Jersey…

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