Discipline: Architecture – design

Richard Sarrach

Discipline: Architecture – design
Region: New York, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 2014

Richard Sarrach worked on a series of objects investigating the relationship between the copy, robotic fabrication, and entropy. He is the founder of the design practice form-ula and an adjunt professor and director of digital futures at the Pratt Institute School of Architecture. He specializes in computational techniques, digital material practices, and the ramifications that they have on culture.



Richard Sarrach worked in the Schelling studio.

Marian MacDowell funded construction of this studio the year that the organization was established and the first artists arrived for residency. It was called Bark Studio until 1933, when it was renamed in honor of Ernest Schelling, a composer, pianist, and orchestral leader who served as president of what was then called the Edward MacDowell…

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