Discipline: Literature – fiction

Sarah Smith

Discipline: Literature – fiction
Region: Pittsburgh, PA
MacDowell Fellowships: 2018

Sarah Elaine Smith is the author of the novel Who Will Be My Neighbor in This New World? (Riverhead Books, forthcoming), for which she completed manuscript edits at MacDowell, as well as a collection of poems: I Live in a Hut (Cleveland State University Poetry Press, 2012). She also began drafting a second novel manuscript and revising a poetry collection in her time at MacDowell. Her fiction and poetry have appeared in Tin House, FENCE, jubilat, and Gulf Coast, among other venues. She holds M.F.A.s in poetry and fiction from the Michener Center for Writers at UT-Austin and the Iowa Writers' Workshop, respectively. Currently, she works as a shopping taxonomy analyst.


New Hampshire

Sarah Smith worked in the New Hampshire studio.

New Hampshire Studio, originally named Peterborough Studio, was given to MacDowell by Mr. and Mrs. William Schofield, Mrs. H. A. Chamberlain, Mrs. Andrew Draper, and Miss Ruth Cheney. The studio was renamed in 1943. The Gilbert Verney Foundation established an endowed maintenance fund in 1990, and a bequest in memory of MacDowell Fellow Victor Candell underwrote the…

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