Discipline: Literature – poetry

Toby Altman

Discipline: Literature – poetry
Region: Denver, CO
MacDowell Fellowships: 2020

Toby Altman is the author of two books, Discipline Park (Wendy’s Subway, 2022) and Arcadia, Indiana (Plays Inverse, 2017). He received a 2021-22 Fellowship in Poetry from the National Endowment for the Arts. His poems can be found in Gulf Coast, jubilat, Lana Turner, and other journals and anthologies; his critical writing can or will be found in Contemporary Literature, English Literary History, Jacket2 and other journals. He has received residencies from the Millay Colony for the Arts, the Vermont Studio Center, and MacDowell, where he was the 2020 Robert and Stephanie Olmstead Fellow. He holds an M.F.A. in poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and a Ph.D. in English from Northwestern University.

While at MacDowell, Altman completed a draft of a new book of poems, Jewel Box, about the banks that the architect Louis Sullivan designed across the rural Midwest in the final years of his career.

Made at MacDowell

Fellow Works Supported by MacDowell

Jewel Box (book of poems)



Toby Altman worked in the Watson studio.

Built in 1916 in memory of Regina Watson of Chicago, a musician and teacher, this studio was donated by a group of her friends, along with funds for its maintenance. Originally designed to serve as a composers’ studio with room for performance, Watson was used as a recital hall for chamber music for a…

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